EndoAIMM: Towards better understanding and better treatments


Professor Grant Montgomery, Professor Jason Abbott, Professor Caroline Gargett, Professor Gita Mishra, Dr Quan Nguyen, Associate Professor Joseph Powell and Professor Luk Rombauts.

Our flagship project EndoAIMM is designed to address many challenges in diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. EndoAIMM unites a team of seven researchers and their groups across six institutions all dedicated to changing the narrative for women. Our EndoAIMM team were awarded a 1-year Medical Research Futures Fund grant from the Frontiers in Health and Medical Science scheme. This funding provides a unique opportunity to complete preliminary studies to apply for up to $50 million in funding to support a five-year translational program.

EndoAIMM combines diagnostic imaging, advanced genomics, novel cellular models, machine learning, and computational biology to address critical gaps in endometriosis diagnosis and management.

Our program addresses four components:

  • (1) Diagnostic imaging,

  • (2) Risk prediction models,

  • (3) Disease subtype identification, and

  • (4) Discovery for novel drug targets.

Tools developed are aimed at reducing diagnostic delay, identifying possible disease subtypes and novel diagnostic markers. 


Endometriosis Risk Genes in Endometrial Stem/Progenitor Cells